Pretextes, 2019 Looped animation projected on paper (no sound), wooden stairs. Variable dimensions. ← Overview WINDSHAPE What is shaped by wind is shaped like wind. Swords, ploughshares. Windshape. De leurs glaives ils forgeront des hoyaux. What is obliterated by man is shaped like man. The sun, a ladder. What lives …
← Overview 1000 villages, 2015. Drawings on double pages and notebook cover. Graphite, marker and transfer on paper and tracing paper. With the support of the 56th Venice Biennale, All the world’s futures, 2015. Collection Frac Centre Val de Loire, Orléans. France. At the beginning of the 70’s, the Algerian government launched a large public-works …
← Overview Souvenir du vide, 2011-2015. 42 animations projected on calque paper cubes. (Projection :168 x 192 cm) With the support of Mode d'emploi, Tours. Collection MAC Lyon, France. In Souvenir du vide Massinissa Selmani draws form it’s the purist pictorial tradition in creating a polyptych. A layout of similar forms filled with images that …